Thank you for tuning in to TMA’s Practice Well podcast. Come here for quick lessons and impactful conversations covering business of medicine topics from staffing strategies to billing best practices.
Episodes are brought to you by TMA expert coders, reimbursement specialists, and other certified professionals, all free for TMA members and their staff. Whether you have 15 minutes or an hour, you’ll find episodes that diagnose your day-to-day and long-term business challenges, and offer practical solutions that can help you succeed in building a healthy practice.
We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for future episodes. Shoot us an email. Send to Until next time, stay well!
Please be advised that the information and opinions presented as part of this program should not be used or referred to as primary legal sources and does not replace the advice of your healthcare attorney. Nor should the information and opinions presented as part of this program be construed as establishing medical standards of care for the purposes of litigation, including expert testimony. The standard of care is dependent upon the particular facts and circumstances of each individual case, and no generalization can be made that would apply to all cases.